Are Happy, More Productive Employees Just A Digital Nudge Away?

Featuring: Eddie Jerden, Ph.D, People Scientist at Humu

Dr. Charles Handler is joined by I/O Psychologist, Dr. Eddie Jerden, People Scientist with behavior change technology company, Humu.

Jerden has worn many hats over his 20+ years in the talent assessment space with roles in R&D, validation studies, performance management, and selection work. He’s worked with AT&T, Hogan Assessment Systems, DDI and recently added his experience to the team at Humu.

Humu, a behavioral change technology firm, is the brainchild of Google’s former People Ops executive, Lazlo Block, along with former Googlers Jessie Wisdom and Wayne Crosby. The platform draws inspiration from the concept that small “nudges” or cues can help people to make better choices, and are most effective when presented at the right time and in the right manner based on the individual. Through the use of AI, machine learning, and a host of distribution methods, companies can prompt their people toward a more productive, even happier existence.

Jerden digs into how the inability to accurately measure the impact of implementation within the I/O psych space was a “gap” in his previous work but serves as a core function of the Humu platform.

Throughout the podcast, Jerden provides insight into:

  • The use of signals or “choice architecture” to improve productivity;
  • The mechanics behind Humu’s “Nudge Engine”;
  • The three elements of any effective prompt;
  • And how data is used to measure AND “make work better”.

People management (also referred to as Human Capital Management) has no shortage of technology platforms, but Jerden makes a compelling case that providing managers with a tool that goes the extra mile to personalize the employee’s experience makes all the measurable difference toward organizational performance, retention, individual happiness, inclusion, and innovation.

Related Resources
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