HR Leadership

Science 4-Hire is now Psych Tech @ Work!.

After 6 years and 72 episodes and 20,000 downloads!, why the change?

In case you haven’t noticed a lot has changed in the past six years! AI is creating a seismic impact on the psychology of work, and we all need to pay attention to what is happening here, or else???

Psych Tech @ Work promotes safe technological innovation and human/machine partnerships as an essential force in creating equilibrium and between psychology and commerce.  Maintaining this balance in a time of unprecedented change is essential for ensuring that the future of work is ethical, positive, and prosperous.  

Creating such a future requires an unprecedented level of interdisciplinary collaboration.  With the goal of educating, engaging, and inspiring others through thoughtful and practical discussions with guests from a wide variety of backgrounds and specialties, Psych Tech @ Work provides a smorgasbord of food for thought and practical takeaways about the issues that will make or break the future of work.

Check out the latest episodes!

The Journey from IO Psychologist to HR Leader: Mastering the Business of People

Featuring: JP Elliott: HR and Talent Executive & Host of the Future of HR Podcast

In this episode I welcome JP Elliot, HR and Talent Executive & Host of the Future of HR Podcast. About JP: JP Elliott is a Ph.D’d IO psychologist and forward-thinking global human resources executive with extensive experience implementing human capital initiatives that drive business results, improve organizational performance, and elevate company culture.  He is a…