Talent Assessment

Science 4-Hire is now Psych Tech @ Work!.

After 6 years and 72 episodes and 20,000 downloads!, why the change?

In case you haven’t noticed a lot has changed in the past six years! AI is creating a seismic impact on the psychology of work, and we all need to pay attention to what is happening here, or else???

Psych Tech @ Work promotes safe technological innovation and human/machine partnerships as an essential force in creating equilibrium and between psychology and commerce.  Maintaining this balance in a time of unprecedented change is essential for ensuring that the future of work is ethical, positive, and prosperous.  

Creating such a future requires an unprecedented level of interdisciplinary collaboration.  With the goal of educating, engaging, and inspiring others through thoughtful and practical discussions with guests from a wide variety of backgrounds and specialties, Psych Tech @ Work provides a smorgasbord of food for thought and practical takeaways about the issues that will make or break the future of work.

Check out the latest episodes!

The Future Awaits! Navigating Global AI Ethics and Governance with Arnoud Engelfriet

Featuring: Arnoud Engelfriet, Partner at ICTRECHT Academy, Dutch IT Lawyer, and AI Expert

We are all in this together! Don’t miss the chance to expand your mind with a global perspective on issues that will help define the future of global policy, work, commerce, and life in general.

GPT and talent assessment: Cheat code or power up?

Featuring: Neil Morelli

Join me, Dr. Charles Handler, for the latest episode of Science 4-Hire as I engage in a fascinating conversation with Neil Morelli, lead IO psychologist at Codility, a global provider of coding assessments. Our discussion centers around LLMs, such as GPT, and the dangers they present to test security and honesty when taking assessments. We…

Innovating Assessment Methods for Hiring With Bas van de Haterd

Today on Science 4-Hire, I’m joined by Bas van de Haterd, an assessment enthusiast and self-proclaimed “professional snoop” dedicated to helping his clients get to the root of their hiring problems. He helps companies find the right assessment tools so they can attract and hire the right people. Van de Haterd discovered his love of…

How the Pros Integrate Recruiting and Talent Assessment Processes With Jenna Alexander

On today’s episode of Science 4-Hire, I’m speaking with Jenna Alexander, Randstad’s global vice president of internal talent acquisition. She recruits recruiters for recruiters, so she’s pretty heavily invested in what a good recruitment experience looks like and how to nestle talent assessment processes within recruitment. Alexander started at Randstad during a unique moment in…

HR Tech’s Impact on the Future of Talent Assessment Tools With John Sumser and Jeanne Achille

Today on Science 4-Hire, I’m joined by HR technology visionaries John Sumser, principal analyst at HRExaminer, and Jeanne Achille, CEO of The Devon Group and chair of the HR Technology Conference & Exposition. These experts have a decades-long history as leaders in the HR tech biz, and when it comes to predicting the next trends,…

Building a Truly Global Talent Assessment Strategy at Vodafone With Margarita Echeverria and Simon Defoe

On today’s episode of Science 4-Hire, I’m joined by Vodafone’s global head of talent assessment, Margarita Echeverria, and global talent assessment manager Simon Defoe. They’re here to talk about their work to create a global talent assessment strategy, the challenges they’re overcoming and their priorities moving forward. Vodafone is a worldwide force in the telecommunications…

How HR Trends Are Shaping the Future of Assessment Technology With Jeremy Tipper

Today on Science 4-Hire, I’m joined by all-star guest Jeremy Tipper, a longtime HR technology devotee, investor and board adviser. He’s here to talk about the future of assessment technology and recruiting through the lens of evolving business needs. With a robust background in internal recruiting, recruitment process outsourcing and talent acquisition strategy consulting, Tipper…

Where Talent Acquisition and Recruiting Automation Meet With Sova’s Alan Bourne

Big things have happened since the last episode of Science 4-Hire. Rocket-Hire has joined forces with Sova, an awesome global talent assessment provider based in the U.K. working with organizations all over the world. It was an organic union that transpired through a mutual respect for innovative ideas that are grounded in solid science. 

Quantifying the Candidate Experience With Uber’s Nicholas Bremner

The workplace has shifted from being an employer-centric system to employees now understanding their leverage within the workforce. The past few years have shown many companies that creating a better candidate experience is essential for retention and success. But how are they able to quantify the candidate experience?

Creating Gender Equity in the Hiring Process With 3Plus International’s Dorothy Dalton

Creating a diverse workplace starts with having an inclusive hiring process, and while more and more employers are making diversity, equity, and inclusion a priority, their hiring practices stall. Bias lurks at every corner of the hiring process, which leads to hiring managers and recruiters excluding the diverse talent that they were looking for in the first place.